Your CV is much more than just a document. Initially, a CV is everything that helps you to build an impact in front of the employers. Your CV carries all the information that you think is helpful to get you your dream job. Even before we talk about the interview mistakes to avoid to land a job, you need to know the significance of choosing the right cv format.
Let me add an experience. While entering a college premise, a kiosk read, “How you say is much more important than what you say”.
The seriousness of a CV format is exactly like that. It is not merely the information that you choose to share about yourself, but it is how you present the information in one, two or more pages.
While job seekers need to know how to make a CV, they also need to be very precise about the format they choose for their CV, the ratio of people who actually care is disappointing.
Many organizations have their standard CV format. The job seekers applying for different positions in the organization need to follow the arrangement or so.
But if you are applying for such a job or an organization, where you don’t have the privilege of a pre-designed CV format, then?
Don’t worry, with our expert cv writing rules, you can still pick the best CV format to land a job.
Our Skills And Experience That Can Help You To Choose The Best CV Format
We, as professional CV writing services, know-how to create the best CVs for the candidates. With enough research and perseverance, we have built a certain mindset, which helps us to create the best CV for each candidate. We would like to share some of the tips which will benefit your format search.
Don’t assume that one CV format can fit all the job applications. Not necessarily everyone is applying for the same job in the same organization. Then why there should be a single CV format for all?
If you are applying for an executive-level job, or you are applying for a managerial position- you will undoubtedly have two different formats.
There are three wide varieties of CV formats:
- Functional
- Chronological
- Combined
A- Functional:
A functional CV format is also known as the skill-based CV format. This CV format is losing its popularity in the current scenario, for not being able to place much focus on the work experience. The functional CV format emphasizes the skills that the candidate has according to the requirement of the employers.
This CV format looks like:
1. Contact Information
2. Summary
3. Professional Title
4. Skills of the candidate (most of the content)
5. Additional skills
6. Experience of the candidate
7. Academic Background
B- Chronological:
When we talk about the chronological CV format, we mean reverse chronological format. This is the most upfront yet validCV format for job seekers in the current age. Reverse chronological resumes are designed in such a way so that the recruiters can see what they want to see in the CV.
The work experience of the candidate gets the most emphasis in this resume format. The information is presented in the order of the recent to the oldest. The work experience section in this CV format comes before the skills section.
This CV format looks like:
1. Contact information
2. Summary
3. Professional title
4. Experience of the candidate (most of the content)
5. Skills of the candidate
6. Academic background
7. Additional sections
C- Combined:
You guessed it right! This CV format is nothing but the combination of both the CV formats mentioned above. The best of each of the formats is taken to create this CV format and this format place equal emphasis upon the work experience and the skills of the job seekers.
The CV format is designed to give sufficient attention to both the segments in the CV. The format uses 185 action verbs (precisely the appropriate ones only), and present all the information in bullet points.
This CV format looks like:
1. Contact information
2. Summary of skills
3. Additional skills
4. Work Experience of the candidate
5. Academic Background of the candidate
The CV format is very much flexible, and the candidates may choose to place skills after work experience too. But make sure that the additional skills come after the skills only.
Now that you know that there are three most important types of CV format, you also need to know how to pick the best one for yourself.
You need to choose your CV format according to your personal profile. This means that you need to understand the importance of both your work experience and your skills. You also need to do the comparative analysis and prioritize which can get you an interview call faster.
If you want to know what the professional CV writers say, then the chronological or the reverse chronological format is appropriate for all types of job seekers, including the students, mid-level executives as well as the senior job seekers.
The functional CV format is skill-based and is appropriate for the job seeker who is applying for senior or managerial positions. Chronological CV format is suitable for both; mid-level executives who have a few years of job experience and also for the high ranks.
Being a job seeker, only the work experience is not all the factors that one needs to consider, but it is also essential to understand the skills that one must have to apply for the position, the industry, and the company.
The visual CV writing formats also may vary according to the industry you are in or the industry where you are applying.
Choosing the perfect format for your CV helps you to tailor your CV according to the requirement of the organization where you are applying.
An eye-catching cv format helps the job seeker to stand a few steps ahead of many other job seekers.
When we have discussed earlier three different types of CV format, you also need to know about the pros and cons of all the three before you choose one for yourself.
Functional CV Format:
– This CV helps the candidate to hide out if there is any gap in the career history of the candidate· – As the format focuses upon skills, it helps the candidate to hide a lack of work experience. – This CV format helps to present a diverse range of skills, including the soft and the technical expertise of the candidate. | – If an organization is looking for formal work experience, this format may make you look like an ‘inexperienced’ one. – It is hard to extract key CV sections by ATS. – Traditional employers are not familiar with this kind of CV format |
Reverse Chronological CV Format:
– This CV format helps the employers to see a clear career progression of the candidate. – This is the easiest to read CV format among all. – It is also easy for Applicant Tracking Software to extract the employment history of the candidate. | – This CV format is less creative. – Emphasizes any career gap in the CV if the candidate has. – The candidate needs to have a better work experience to have the utmost benefit of the CV format. |
Combined CV Format:
– This is a combined and creative CV format as compared to other CV formats. – This CV is appropriate and flexible for job seekers of any level and position. – This CV format is suitable for hiding any career gap in the CV. | – This CV holds very less space for the academic background of the candidates. – The candidate needs to have enough skills and experience to make this CV look complete. – The candidate needs to be very careful to avoid overlapping or repeating information while writing skills and expertise. |
Whatever is the CV format that you have chosen to apply for the next job, there are some common points that you must not miss.
1. While LinkedIn Profile writing, make sure that your CV has the same information as your LinkedIn Profile does. You must update the LinkedIn profile information every time you do for the CV.
2. Use a PDF format while sending your CV to the employers through an email. It helps all the information that you have mentioned in the CV to be on places the way you have placed them.
3. You also must keep the doc format prepared as many times the employers may also ask about the doc format of the same CV.
4. Stick to 11 or 12 font size for your overall CV writing
5. Make your CV as long as it needs to be. Don’t provide any less or more information than you required to.
The more it is essential that what all are you writing on your CV, it is equally important to place all the information in a professional and organized manner. There are many CV formats available online and you can also take the help of CV builder or professional resume writing services in Noida to get your CV done as required.
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